Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stand out and Let your Light Shine !!!!

Happy Sunday Kings &Queens!!!!!! Just wanted to leave a word of encouragement for anyone in need . Accept yourself ! Don't chase after others  approval . Too much of what we buy or wear is motivated by others . God accepts you unconditionally and in his view we are all precious and priceless . Focus on this and you will never waste any time or effort trying to be someone you are not. Kings and Queens don't be a shame to stand out and be bold ! Own the fact that you were never made to be a carbon copy . You were made to be Unique!!!! 

Whenever you feel inadequate remember that God place a purpose , gift , and vision inside of you that he wants you to fulfill that is unique to you and only you. God place in each and every one of us the power to overcome strongholds and be a light in this world. 

Kings & Queens I challenge you to let your light shine so bright that God will be pleased and others will draw and run to you admiring your beautiful glow :) 
