Saturday, January 24, 2015

Priorities : Physical vs Spiritual


Hey Kings and Queens!!!!! 😘 I know I 
haven't posted in awhile but I'm back !!!!!! Lol 
So today as I was strolling through my Facebook timeline  and I came across this post from my linesister and it just reminded me of how some of us are too focus on the physical ( hair , makeup , looks , clothes and swag) when we should be more focus on our spirtual being and being more in tune and bold for Christ!!! It  is all about priorities , do you care more about your physical appearance then your spirtual relationship with our Father ? We need to get our prayer life on fleek because at the end of day you are weak without Christ and will not make it far without his love , grace , mercy and guidance . Kings & Queens I challenge you to strengthen your relationship with God and ask yourself this question : Is your spirtual on Fleek? ( answer honestly) if not , it  is not too late to grow and strengthen your spirtual being and relationship with God 🙏. He is always here for us and guess what he waiting on you to love him as much as he loves you . So talk to him he won't judge i promise !!!!!!! He will accept you just as you are 😊

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Forgiveness : A Gift to Yourself

 Hey Kings &Queens!!!!

We can all agree that at some point of our lives we have been wronged, mistreated or lied to.  One of the downfalls of life is that we can’t control how others treat us. As a result of being hurt, we hold grudges, distance, and cut off the ones who wronged us. But Kings and Queens how does holding grudges benefit us?  I am pretty sure the person or people you are mad at are sleeping like a baby at night, unbothered or unaware about how them hurting you has affected you.  Holding grudges/ anger is like drinking poison and excepting the other person to die. –Buddha
It is important Kings and Queens that we forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because we deserve peace. Being angry at someone hurts only you. Let go of your anger, not for the other person, but for yourself. Remember, forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Forgiving means accepting that it happened. Even though the act of forgiving may not come easy to us, as Christians and children of God we must be obedient to our father and forgive others as he has always forgiven us. (Colossians 3:13) It is ok to feel anger and want justice for the person we need to forgive. That is why we have this wonderful thing called Prayer!!!!!  Kings and Queens pray for the person you need to forgive. Ask God to deal with the injustices and for God to judge the person's life.  Then leave that prayer at the altar. No longer carry the anger!!!! Although it is normal for us to feel anger toward sin and injustice, it is not our job to judge the other person in their sin. Luke 6:37: Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (NIV)

Kings &Queens always remember Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong! Release yourself from anger and hurt and find JOY J

Monday, January 12, 2015

Striving to be a Proverbs 31 Woman!!!

Hey Beautiful Queens !!!! Just a little encouragement on how we should never forget our status. We are Women of a different status, this world we will impact, We are Women of a different status 31 to be exact !!!!! If you have not   heard this before i want to definitely encourage you to take a listen . I am striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman everyday and Queens i want to inspire you to do the same :)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Knowing When to Walk Away is Wisdom... Bye Felicia

Hey Kings and Queens!!!!!!! I know we can all agree that at some point of our lives we start outgrowing people, whether if its because we matured or reach a new season in our lives. Recently while scrolling though my social media timelines i notice alot of my friends and family posting about people putting them down about their successes and choices in life / in general just  judging their lives so i decided to express my feelings on this issue. First of all NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE YOU BUT GOD and he doesn't even judge us!!!!! No one is perfect or has a perfect life and who rite is it to judge you based on your successes or failures. It is important Kings & Queens that we stand up for ourselves and not let people get under our skin and push us to feel uncomfortable about our choices. People are put in our lives for reasons , seasons, life lessons,guidance and support . It is our job to seek God on helping us sort out people we meet and form relationships with  so we can better understand who is truly for and against us. I like to call this process in our lives "Cleaning Season". Just like Spring Cleaning it is important that we take time out to remove the clutter , drama, and negativity out of our lives. Kings &Queens we must always remember how special and wonderful we are and how everything in our lives occurs  for a reason and that God knows everything that is going to occur in our lives before we even know it . He wouldn't put us though or give us anything in our lives that we can't handle. Life is like in elevator , sometimes on the way up you have to stop and let a few people off !! Everyone is not going to always be on your side. Don't let negative people steal your energy just because they've lost theirs!!!!  Kings & Queens it is important that we keep in mind this scripture :"Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’"-1 Corinthians 15:33



Friday, January 9, 2015

Single doesn't mean Lonely!

 This post is dedicated to all my single Kings & Queens !!!!!! Just as the picture above states we should each look at being single as such. I know that we can all agree and have experience a time in our lives where we asked ourselves Why am I single? When am I going to meet the one for me? When is my future husband or future wife going to come along? We have even caught ourselves  scrolling though Facebook , twitter and instagram timelines , like dang everybody getting married and having children , writing dear future husband and future wife statuses impatiently awaiting our time to come. Kings and Queens your time will come . I recently  found  myself asking the same questions. "I'm  twenty - three and still haven't found someone who truly appreciates me. :( ""Where are  all the good guys at? why is all  the good ones taken?" Why does every one else seem to be in relationships and doing well and i am  not? Kings & Queens we must be patient and  understand that in due time he/ she will come along . Being Single does not mean you are LONELY .  I love to think of it as God is not ready to share me let !:) Instead  of complaining and searching for our soul mates we  need to take  the time while we are in this single season to focus on Ourselves! Discover our Worth & what makes us Happy! (You don't need a guy or girl to make you feel better about yourself or be happy , know you can do that all yourself) . Kings & Queens  use this time to fall in love with your self  and figure out your needs and wants.   Find the love, comfort,  and partnership you desire in God. Fall in love with Jesus let him teach you how to love . Surely He or She will come .  It is important that we remember Kings & Queens to : Never accept second best in your life. You are so much more than the lies you have been told. Learn to believe and love you, before you try to love another.

True for women and men. If you aren't happy with yourself, adding someone else (or something else for that matter) won't change the unhappiness that's inside. That is your job alone, and you can choose to create your self complete! Kings&Queens take note!!!!

Queens take note!!!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Keep Calm and Write the Vision !

It is officially 2015 , a new year :)  It is time to plant new seeds and take control of our dreams and desires. It is time to Write the VISION !!!! So many times i have heard family members and friends say i want to do this, that,  and the  third but a year goes by and no progress or steps have been made. I even find myself saying  I want to do this ! I think I be good at this but never follow though . So as a recent graduate from undergrad with a Bachelors of Science degree  in Rehabilitation Services,  I made the decision to go to graduate school to obtain my Masters of Education in School Counseling.  Now i am currently enrolled in graduate school.  But as I look back over my undergraduate  journey i realized i was very indecisive lol . I often switched career goals and careers i wanted to pursue a lot .One  minute i wanted to be a nurse, then a physical therapist , then speech therapist until i finally decided on rehabilitation services as a major because i wanted to pursue counseling. I sway between so many career options because i never really knew what i wanted to pursue. One minute  i loved doing this but then i get bored with it or  it  became too hard and I moved on to something new. Kings & Queens it  is time for us to figure out what we are  passionate in  and stick to it. We need to stop PROCRASTINATION!!!!!!  and fearing and giving up on something when it gets difficult. So to make a long story short once i changed my major in undergrad to rehabilitation services i fell in love with the field and the variety of options open to me in the field. I love and have a passion of working with people (especially children) and the course work was very easy to me . My senior year of undergrad i focused alot on figuring out where i wanted to take my degree and further my education to reach my goals . My advisor and I while  researching  came across school counseling as an option, I immediately fell in love with the field and job description . I can really see myself doing this long term and it will never feel like work to me . But most importantly i prayed about it  and  I feel God is calling me to pursue this as well as i feel  it  would be a great fit for me. It is important Kings & Queens that we pray and asked God to guide us as well as  pursue and look into career options that we love and can see ourselves doing long term. If not we will continue to move though  this indecisive cycle.  So fast forwarding to now. I am currently about to start my second  semester of my journey to becoming a school counselor and i am excited !!!!!! :)  But as we enter a new year i also decided i wanted to write a vision for my life  that i can look at on my rough days going though this graduate school journey, especially on them days when i want to give up ! For like it says in Habakkuk 2:2-3 :And the Lord answered me:“Write the vision;make it plain on tablets,so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time;it hastens to the end—it will not lie.If it seems slow, wait for it;not will surely come; it will not delay. So i decided to write a vision for myself and would like to encouraged you Kings & Queens to do the same .

                                                           My Vision
My vision is to complete graduate school and obtain my Masters of Education degree in School Counseling by  Spring 2016 (on time). I would love to get a job closely after i graduate and would love  to work in elementary schools in the Maryland/ DC metro area for the first couple of years starting my career. While completing all of this i would love for God to introduce me to my King aka future hubbie. :) lol 

After finishing school I am going to settle down with my King,  work as a school counselor , continuing my ministry of dancing ,  get  married  and have children . Growing old together with my King as we put God as the head of our relationship praying though  the good and the bad times . Ultimately living happily ever after. :)

Kings & Queens i challenge you to Keep Calm and Write the Vision !  Speech over your life and declare and decree what you want to happen in your life. Write the vision  and make it clear , Plant those Seeds!!!! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Letting Go of Baggage: Removing the Fliter

Baggage is issues regarding a person's past that can affect their current disposition. Whether it's emotional baggage , relationship baggage, your worries , insecurities, or bad habits. WE ALL HAVE SOME KIND OF BAGGAGE! But just because we have it doesn't mean we have to let it overwhelm us or carry it where ever we go. Kings & Queens we can free ourselves from it. Whatever it is we don't have to let it break us down. In Psalm 55:22 it reads : Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. We as  the sons and daughters of the King . We  need to turn over all of our worries and baggage to him. As we travel though life we will soon find that it will get harder and harder to carry the load. Kings and Queens where God is taking us we will not make it carrying and holding on to our baggage we must RELEASE IT. We must let go of the dead weight. In 1 Peter 5:7 it states Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. God loves us, so what shall we fear if he is always on our side. Our relationships will not blossom we will always be finding ourselves in the stuckzone, unable to move forward because we are so stuck on not letting go. Worried about  what others will see or say.  Kings and Queens its time to let healing occur . I challenge you to unmasked yourselves!Step into the light , be bold and BE FREE! Take the Fliter off of your lives !
Don't be afraid to conquer your dreams, start something new, BE YOU &BE HAPPY :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Identity: Who Am I and Why don't I feel good enough

Who Am I ? Why don't I feel good enough? Often times we forget who we are and what God has done for us. We live in a world where outward appearance is given a great amount of weight in how we look at people and even how we look at ourselves . We allow other peoples thoughts and feelings to sway us though life . We ignore our own thoughts and feelings to please others when the only one we need to be pleasing is God. We surround ourselves with different groups of people so we can hide and blend in. Our true feelings never expressed or heard. We hide behind "im ok" and smiles when inside we are crying, confused or just lost. So to answer the question of Who Am I ? We are / You are Kings &Queens . Just as it states in 1Peter 2:9 : But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness in to his wonderful light". Lastly to answer question of Why don't i feel good enough? We/ You don't feel good enough because you compare yourselves to others . We as a society of people are always searching for approval. Kings & Queens you are beautifully and wonderfully made just the way you are. Don't stay stuck in your past and in your mistakes . Release yourself from any negative baggage holding you down! Don't compare yourself to others and don't allow feelings of insecurity to rob you of your identity in Christ. God has already forgiven you so now its time to forgive yourself .God doesn't look at what we wear, how much we weigh, if our acne is cleared up, if our braces are off...etc.God looks at what's in our hearts. Always remember Kings & Queens that God loves us more than we ever know and his love is unconditional ! God has created each and every one of us with a purpose . I challenge each and everyone of you to seek God in every struggle and to pray ask him to reveal to you your purpose . Lastly Kings and Queens once you figure out your purpose walk freely in it and make a difference:) You are each special and loved ! <3

Monday, January 5, 2015

Is Your Faith on Fleek?

Is your faith on fleek ? Faith on Fleek is when your faith in the Lord is so strong that no circumstance surround you can shake or rattle your foundation. Your faith in the Most High and Almighty God moves mountains. i challenge all my followers to get their faith in God on fleek if not on fleek already ! Don't let life obstacles move you away/ challenge your relationship with God and confidence in him . Trust in his plan and timing!‪#‎GorJessInspirations‬ ‪#‎foodforthought‬

 Hello Kings & Queens !!!!!!! Welcome to a GorJess Journey :) A GorJess Journey is simply my life journey to a better me . I am often known as the quiet one or  the shy one but i am more than that i have so much to say !!!!! I want to make a difference . I want to be a smile or  encouraging word that helps someone get  though whatever challenges they face !!!! This Blog only has one rule NO NEGATIVITY !!!! Its a new year and i vow this year to fill it with positives  and inspiration and to share God's word and love  !!!!  :) So grow with me in my journey as i seek to grow a closer relationship with God and spread inspiration  !!!! Come on a GorJess Journey........