Monday, January 7, 2019

Week of My Gold Word : Fearless Journey

Hello Kings and Queens ! Here is how my Fearless Journey is going so far  . Below is Day 1-7 journal entries . Enjoy and join me on journey !  Have you chose your Gold word for year yet ? If not what are you waiting for ? ! Image may contain: text

Day 1-7 


Tuesday, January 1, 2019


   Hello Kings and Queens!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!! I know I know it has been awhile but I am back ! So much has happened since I last posted such as graduating from grad school , births,weddings,engagements, loss, gains,ending and start of new relationships , accepting a position as school counselor(dreams come true) and list go on. Long story short this Queen story is still being written. 

So now that we caught up a little bit on to the post..... 2019 a fresh start , new beginnings, ideas ,goals and etc. The possibles are endless! So for 2019 I am starting  some new things,  branching out of my comfort zone , embracing a new mindset a #fearless attitude . Positive only vibes kicking negativity, second guessing,worrying out the door for good . I am going on a fearless journey! Will it be easy ?No. Will everyday be sunshine and roses ? Nope. But fear has got to go! So after scrolling though Facebook I came across one of my sorority sisters post about choosing your gold word for 2019 and focusing on that word for the entire year though journal writing . So after  much thought and prayer the word Fearless  appeared to me over and over again and I began to think about how powerful the word  Fearless  meant to me . So my Gold word for 2019 is Fearless (with 2 snaps hunty!!!!Yasss!!!!) 👌👏

Fearless has so much meaning to me . For so long i have said i am going to be fearless but still find my self second guessing myself and worried ! but no more 2019 is my year to be #fearless ❤️ #jumpinginto2019Fearless
Fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.
 Fearless is having fears, but not being afraid to face them. The voice in your heart over powers what you want to think. A wall builds up blocking  you to keep you from going back even if you wanted to!

To Be Fearless is to look your Fears in the face and say You will not stop me from living life , being confident and successful in my career , dreams , & goals !!!💪 #FearlessJessicacomingsoon

2Tim1:7 :For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Going into 2019 what is your Gold word for the year? Think , Reflect on it and join me on the journey .


Thursday, January 5, 2017

2K17 !!!!!!

Hello Kings and Queens !!!!! I know I know it has been awhile but I am back !!!!!  I would first like to start off by wishing  each of you a Happy New Year & Welcome 2017🎉🎊

So today during my devotion time I came across a scripture Mark 5:36 which simply is God is telling us not to be afraid but just believe. Reading that scripture and relating it to my life.....🙌 I started to realize how much I been operating in fear....Why be fearful/ afraid when we have God on our side. I began to ask myself - What fears are holding you hostage from believing in the plans God has in store for you? Answering honestly I would have to say my fear of rejection and failure has kept me from operating fully in the plans God has for me . I have seen people I'm close to in my life come and go . I have seen and felt the hurt of completely opening up for that person to just leave out of your life like you meant nothing to them . I see the hurt anger and dysfunction in my family and people in my life( such as friends and associates )  judge me for believing in God so I closed myself off. If I am "quiet" rejection can't occur because I'm not opening up for anyone to see the true ME right?.....But as I'm sitting here listening to God's voice he saying Stop hiding open up your voice is needed I have planted seeds in you to do amazing things .Rejection and failure have no room if you just believe why is your faith in me wandering in some areas ???? Have i ever let you down? God has never let me down and has brought me though so much and is still blessing me constantly. I am truly thankful . So to sum up what I got out of my devotion time today is that if God has gave you victory in some areas of your life continue to keep the faith some areas take a little longer than others but don't loose your faith because its not occurring fast enough or on your timing. God has perfect timing .Remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of peace and a sound mind. What fears are holding you back ????

In this new year after coming across a post , posted by one of my sorority sisters asking her followers to post their life themes for 2017.  I decided that this year I would come up with a life theme and  my theme for my life for 2017  is #StraightenYourCrownandWalkPurposefullyFearless👑 Last year i was focused on positive vibes , embracing the Queen I am and  operating in confidence. But this year 
I  am walking  fearlessly, I am conquering and going after my dreams and goals fearlessly.

Kings and Queens as we enter into a new year i challenge you to create a theme for your life for 2017. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS YOU LEFT / LEAVING IN 2016 ? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO OVERCOME AND ACCOMPLISH IN 2017?

THE SKY IS THE LIMIT FOR 2017#StraightenYourCrownandWalkPurposefullyFearless👑!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Message to Queens everywhere -You are Valuable

Hello Beautiful Queens !!! Happy Wednesday !!!!! This past Monday I attended my sorority undergrad chapter bible study and the lesson was about purity. I just wanted to share a few takeaways I got from the lesson . The main takeaway I got was that I am valuable !!!! 👑 Over the last two days that just really stuck me. As we get older Queens and boys become very important    In our lives I just feel like we lose sight of our value and our worth . We lose sight of how our Father (God) sees us. Queens  you are beautifully and wonderfully made. You are not a  fast food, happy meal or items on a dollar menu . You are the soul food , the steak and potatoes , the fried chicken , Mac and cheese and collard greens, you are the expensive seafood. Therefore we should  treat our bodies like precious treasure .Everyone doesn't deserve or is worthy of your treasure . God knows the desires of our hearts and has set aside  someone who understands your value and your worth . Don't settle. Queens don't allow your desires to make you so desperate that you become spiritually empty and settle for anyone to fill you up. Trust God to fulfill the desires of your heart until he reveals your King to you. Date with a purpose, and pray daily opening up to God fully and listening as well and trust me he  will never let you down. You just have to be patient . This was just on my heart to share. I just feel like someone out there needs to here this . Just remember this. Never  let your Crown fall . You are a Proverbs 31 women !!! 1Cor6:19-20: 19Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who isin you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stand out and Let your Light Shine !!!!

Happy Sunday Kings &Queens!!!!!! Just wanted to leave a word of encouragement for anyone in need . Accept yourself ! Don't chase after others  approval . Too much of what we buy or wear is motivated by others . God accepts you unconditionally and in his view we are all precious and priceless . Focus on this and you will never waste any time or effort trying to be someone you are not. Kings and Queens don't be a shame to stand out and be bold ! Own the fact that you were never made to be a carbon copy . You were made to be Unique!!!! 

Whenever you feel inadequate remember that God place a purpose , gift , and vision inside of you that he wants you to fulfill that is unique to you and only you. God place in each and every one of us the power to overcome strongholds and be a light in this world. 

Kings & Queens I challenge you to let your light shine so bright that God will be pleased and others will draw and run to you admiring your beautiful glow :) 


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Priorities : Physical vs Spiritual


Hey Kings and Queens!!!!! 😘 I know I 
haven't posted in awhile but I'm back !!!!!! Lol 
So today as I was strolling through my Facebook timeline  and I came across this post from my linesister and it just reminded me of how some of us are too focus on the physical ( hair , makeup , looks , clothes and swag) when we should be more focus on our spirtual being and being more in tune and bold for Christ!!! It  is all about priorities , do you care more about your physical appearance then your spirtual relationship with our Father ? We need to get our prayer life on fleek because at the end of day you are weak without Christ and will not make it far without his love , grace , mercy and guidance . Kings & Queens I challenge you to strengthen your relationship with God and ask yourself this question : Is your spirtual on Fleek? ( answer honestly) if not , it  is not too late to grow and strengthen your spirtual being and relationship with God 🙏. He is always here for us and guess what he waiting on you to love him as much as he loves you . So talk to him he won't judge i promise !!!!!!! He will accept you just as you are 😊

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Forgiveness : A Gift to Yourself

 Hey Kings &Queens!!!!

We can all agree that at some point of our lives we have been wronged, mistreated or lied to.  One of the downfalls of life is that we can’t control how others treat us. As a result of being hurt, we hold grudges, distance, and cut off the ones who wronged us. But Kings and Queens how does holding grudges benefit us?  I am pretty sure the person or people you are mad at are sleeping like a baby at night, unbothered or unaware about how them hurting you has affected you.  Holding grudges/ anger is like drinking poison and excepting the other person to die. –Buddha
It is important Kings and Queens that we forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because we deserve peace. Being angry at someone hurts only you. Let go of your anger, not for the other person, but for yourself. Remember, forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Forgiving means accepting that it happened. Even though the act of forgiving may not come easy to us, as Christians and children of God we must be obedient to our father and forgive others as he has always forgiven us. (Colossians 3:13) It is ok to feel anger and want justice for the person we need to forgive. That is why we have this wonderful thing called Prayer!!!!!  Kings and Queens pray for the person you need to forgive. Ask God to deal with the injustices and for God to judge the person's life.  Then leave that prayer at the altar. No longer carry the anger!!!! Although it is normal for us to feel anger toward sin and injustice, it is not our job to judge the other person in their sin. Luke 6:37: Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (NIV)

Kings &Queens always remember Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong! Release yourself from anger and hurt and find JOY J